Eвропейската алтернатива на Турция е неизбежна и
един ден тя ще бъде неотделима част от Европа като политическо, икономическо и културно пространство !

Орхан Памук





петък, 19 февруари 2010 г.

Противоракетният план на американския президент Барак Обама, който е насочен срещу Иран, среща съпротива в Турция,за разлика от България !

„Файненшъл таймс”: Анкара устоя на противоракетния план на САЩ !

19 февруари 2010

Анкара. Противоракетният план на американския президент Барак Обама, който е насочен срещу Иран, среща съпротива в Турция, тъй като Анкара не иска да приеме радарна база докато другите страни от НАТО не увеличат подкрепата си за програмата за ПРО, пише вестник „Файненшъл таймс”.
САЩ смятат Турция за най-подходяща за разполагането на радарна база, за да се покриват иранските ракети с близък и среден обсег на действие. В същото време Анкара се опасява от това да подпише двустранно споразумение с Вашингтон срещу Иран.
Плановете на Обама са централна част от усилията на САЩ срещу ядрените и ракетните програми на Техеран и срещу надпреварата във въоръженията в района на Близкия изток.

аф / Портал Турция


US missile defence plan stalled as Ankara resists radar base !

By Daniel Dombey in Washington and Delphine Strauss in,Ankara

Published: February 19 2010 02:00 | Last updated: February 19 2010 02:00

President Barack Obama's missile defence plan to counter Iran is facing resistance in Turkey because Ankara is reluctant to host a radar base unless other Nato countries also increase support for the system.

While the US has identified Turkey as the best land-based site to provide coverage of Iranian short and medium-range missiles, Ankara is worried about appearing to sign up to a bilateral compact with Washington against Tehran.

Mr Obama's plans - which replaced proposals by George W. Bush to place interceptor missiles in Poland and a radar in the Czech Republic against longer range Iranian missiles - are a central part of US efforts to counter Tehran's missile programmes and prevent a Middle East arms race.

Alexander Vershbow, the Pentagon's top official on the Middle East and Europe, said in an interview that missile defence was increasingly important in "deterring Iran, trying to deny it potential to threaten and blackmail its neighbours and to protect US forces deployed in the region".

He added: "Turkey is geographically closest to some of the threats that we are concerned about." A radar base in Turkey would be particularly important to obtain early launch information.

Amid continued survey results that show the US to be deeply unpopular in the country, Turkish diplomats say strong Nato-wide backing, such as a common funded command and control system, would help establish the new missile defence system as an alliance-wide effort rather than a private deal with Washington.

"Turkey, as a country that is in both Europe and the Middle East, is sensitive about how its potential participation might be perceived, but I think that our efforts to embed the system in a broader Nato framework have been very well received," said Mr Vershbow.

At a time of fiscal strain and demands related to the war in Afghanistan, Washington is finding it difficult to win financial commitments from Nato partners, despite success in convincing Romania and Poland to host missile interceptors.

Turkey is also pushing for improved diplomatic and economic ties with Tehran, even as Washington is lobbying for Ankara's support in the United Nations Security council for a sanctions resolution against Iran. In a similar vote at the UN's nuclear watchdog last November Turkey abstained despite its status as a US ally. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey's prime minister, has recently raised eyebrows in Washington by forcefully describing Iran as a friend.

An official in Turkey's ruling AK party said that Ankara's recent push for closer ties with its Middle Eastern neighbours, including Iran, meant it could not afford to be seen as signing up to bilateral plans with the US for a missile defence shield.

Turkish diplomats add that they share western objectives but simply take a different approach to diplomacy.

http://www.ft.com / Portal Turkey

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