Eвропейската алтернатива на Турция е неизбежна и
един ден тя ще бъде неотделима част от Европа като политическо, икономическо и културно пространство !

Орхан Памук





неделя, 9 януари 2011 г.

Истанбулски факултет закрит заради порнографска дипломна работа

Istanbul Bilgi University

Истанбулски факултет закрит заради порнографска дипломна работа

8 януари 2011


Трима преподаватели от престижния турски университет Istanbul Bilgi University били уволнени, защото студентът от факултета по журналистика Дениз Езгюн се опитал да представи порнофилм като авангардна дипломна работа, съобщи BBC News.
Покрай тримата преподаватели администрацията на университета взела решение временно да закрие целия журналистически факултет, в който се намирала катедрата по кинематография. Полицията е започнала разследване на инцидента. Група преподаватели се опитала да защити уволнените колеги, но без ефект.

Идеята в дипломната работа на Езгюн била да се заснеме порнофилм, а след това да бъдат „разобличени” постановъчните сексуални сцени в него, като се подчертае тяхната несъстоятелност. Преподавателите, ръководещи работата на студента, одобрили проекта, но помолили в нея да бъде внесена повече интелектуална част. Студентът обаче не се справил, тъй като финалният вариант бил бракуван от самата катедра.

Инцидентът можело да приключи на този етап, обаче Езгюн разказал за своя проект на журналист от местен вестник, чиято публикация предизвикала скандал. Родители на студенти, учещи в Bilgi, поискали да се ориентират какво става в университета. В резултат авторът на филма и неговата помощничка, бивша студентка в Bilgi, били принудени да се скрият, за да избягнат ареста.

Частният университет Istanbul Bilgi University има репутация на либерално учебно заведение. Някога той станал един от първите, където на студентките било разрешено да не си закриват лицата, въпреки мюсюлманската традиция.

иаб / BgTimes.Net


Bilgi has a reputation as one of the most liberal universities in Turkey

Turkish academics sacked over porn dissertation project

By Jonathan Head

BBC News, Istanbul

Three academics at one of Turkey's top universities have been sacked after a student made a pornographic film for his dissertation project.

Bilgi University in Istanbul has shut its film department, and police are looking into possible criminal charges.

A number of other academics have protested against the response.

The incident has drawn attention to the clash between traditional values and the sometimes experimental arts and lifestyles practised in Istanbul.

When film student Deniz Ozgun first broached his idea for a dissertation project with his professors, they were hesitant.

He wanted to make a pornographic film, he said, but also to reveal how synthetic the sexual scenes in it were.

They told him the project needed to make a stronger intellectual point. Evidently he did not succeed - his film was marked a fail.

None of this caused a stir. But after Mr Ozgun gave an interview to a news magazine, describing how he made the film on campus, his project caused an uproar.

Parents wanted to know what kinds of things went on at Bilgi, one of Turkey's most prestigious private universities.

And, say some academics there, the Board of Education put pressure on the university to act.

As well as the firing of the three academics - who are now being investigated by the police - the entire Communications Faculty has been shut down.

Mr Ozgun, and the former student who starred in his film, have gone into hiding.

A number of academics have protested against this draconian response.

Neither the university nor the government is making any comment.

Bilgi has a reputation as one of the most liberal universities in Turkey - it was among the first to ignore the ban on Muslim women wearing headscarves on campus. But this issue has clearly touched a nerve.
Boundaries tested

People from different walks of life in Turkey now hold strikingly divergent values.

In much of the country they still adhere to strict moral codes, in which alcohol is banned, clothing is conservative and sex never discussed openly.

Politicians in the governing Justice and Development Party (AKP) largely subscribe to this view.

But in Istanbul many people have very liberal attitudes to sex, alcohol and the arts. Indeed you can find films, plays and art exhibitions every bit as provocative and experimental as in any other European city.

Last September, guests attending new exhibitions at three art galleries in central Istanbul were attacked by local residents enraged by the sight of them drinking alcohol on the street outside.

They might have been even more enraged had they seen the content of the exhibitions, which challenged a number of taboo topics.

A publisher who translated erotic European literature was also put on trial last year, but eventually acquitted.

Turkey is now the world's fifteenth biggest economy; its people are more prosperous and more exposed to outside influences than ever before.

Boundaries are constantly being tested. But when they are, sometimes there is a powerful reaction.

http://www.bbc.co.uk / portalturkey.blogspot.com

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