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Орхан Памук





вторник, 2 декември 2008 г.

I am the Walrus... and I play the sax: Sara the jazz musician wows her audience

By Eddie Wrenn

Last updated at 2:47 PM on 02nd December 2008

It's not often you see an animal blowing its own horn - but Sara is not your typical walrus.

The flippered, whiskered creature is delighting audiences with her human-like skills, playing the saxophone, blowing a whistle, or simply adopting the universal expression for 'I'm bored, get me out of here'.

When handed the brass instrument she gripped it with her flippers and simulated an energetic jazz performance to some backing music.

Sara is one of the star attractions at the Istanbul Dolphinarium in Istanbul, Turkey.

Sara and her Russian trainer Sergiy play a merry tune at the newly-opened Istanbul Dolphinarium in Istanbul, Turkey

Sara and her Russian trainer Sergiy play a merry tune at the newly-opened Istanbul Dolphinarium in Istanbul, Turkey

Striking a pose: The pair mimic each other in a show for spectators

Striking a pose: The pair mimic each other in a show for spectators

Her Russian trainer Sergiy has trained her to perform a range of tricks and treats and has also learnt to lie face down and catch a rose thrown to her. Sara is said to enjoy the attention from delighted audiences.

The large marine mammals enjoy a mollusc-rich diet that they gather by foraging along the sea bottom. They live for around 50 years in the wild.

Sara dresses up and blows a whistle

Walrus antics: Sara dresses up and blows a whistle



Istanbul Dolphinarium

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