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Орхан Памук





вторник, 23 декември 2008 г.

Welcome in the New Year at Kaktüs Kahve

Welcome in the New Year at Kaktüs Kahve

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ISTANBUL - Beyoğlu’s Kaktüs Coffeehouse is 16 years old. For the New Year, its special menu will be offered at normal daily prices. The Jazz Tro Nice Quartet will be providing the music that will have everybody out swinging in the street along with others who live in Cihangir

Welcome in the New Year at Kaktüs Kahve Would you like a different place to spend your New Year’s Eve with a cozy and warm atmosphere? Then Kaktüs Coffeehouse is just the place. The younger version of the 16-year-old original, the coffeehouse is preparing to bring in 2009 with its many friends.

The original Kaktüs just off Istiklal Caddesi in Beyoğlu is now 16 years old and just as popular as ever. But Kaktüs Coffeehouse is different and has the advantage of being the only restaurant on Cihangir Caddesi where people can actually find parking. Not only is it a pleasing restaurant with its large windows that let in lots of light but it also is known for good food and large group of cats that have given the restaurant their seal of approval. After all, the cat has been adopted as Cihangir’s symbol and anyone who cares for cats gets high marks.

So it should be no surprise if everyone at Kaktüs invites you to spend New Year’s Eve there. But what will be a surprise is that those would want to order the special New Year’s menu can at normal daily prices or you can choose from the regular menu. Because it has been heated outside, hot wine, chestnuts and soup will be offered to those who want to take the opportunity to sit. The long night will end with tripe soup, a familiar dish as any Turk will know after a night of drinking. And a brunch will be a good way to enter the New Year. The Jazz Tro Nice Quartet will be providing the music that will have everybody out swinging in the street along with others who live in Cihangir.

Over the years many of the people who frequented the first Kaktüs in Beyoğlu came to live in Cihangir and it seemed appropriate to open a "branch" on Cihangir Caddesi. It’s not surprising to see friends and acquaintances, in fact many of the same people who are seen in Beyoğlu Ğ writers, actors and actresses, diplomats and other foreigners.

The Kaktüs menu normally offers a wide choice of dishes starting at breakfast time and specialties that are served on the weekend. You can also have sandwiches and salads as well as fish, chicken or red meat dishes and tasty desserts with a variety of alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages. So see you there on New Year’s Eve and other times as well. [You may not know but Kaktüs Cafe has a takeout and home delivery service for those who can’t manage to go there.

Address: Cihangir Cad.16/A Cihangir/Beyoglu
Tel: 0212 243 57 31-33


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